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Dietrich Gunsmithy

1541 Otis Rd, Otis, ME 04605

(207) 537-2527
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Metal Finishing

Hot salt bluing is a chemical process that is used to protect metal parts from corrosion. The process is a controlled form of rust that inhibits further oxidation brought on by the surrounding environment from forming. There are a number of finishes available with hot salt bluing based on the level of polishing desired. When bluing is maintained with proper cleaning and oiling, it will last for years to come.

Hunter Finish Factory Finish Master Finish
Abrasive/bead blast creates a matte finish. Bead blast and polish to #400 grit. All screw holes and corners are protected. Starts with a Factory finish and then all polishing marks are removed, no ripples, and finished with #555 grit, polished to a mirror finish.

Below is a side by side comparison of the 3 finishes: hunter, factory, master.

Slow Rust Bluing

Slow rust bluing is the process used on older firearms or firearms where soft solder was used. This is a labor intensive process that start at $400.

All prices subject to change.